The Maids of the Triad

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Cleaning homes for seniors is a service The Maids’ cleaning teams are passionate about. Elderly homeowners sometimes need help with their house cleaning due to mobility or health issues. The Maids understands the challenges facing seniors who want to stay in their own homes. Seniors want to maintain their independence, and house cleaning services can help them keep it.  

The Maids Offer Winston Salem Deep Cleaning House Services 

Senior Services in Winston SalemThe adult sons and daughters of elderly parents aren’t always aware that their parents are struggling to keep up with the house until a visit alerts them to it. Basic cleaning is being left undone or in some cases, a person will fall attempting to clean a hard-to-reach area. If the home has been neglected for a while, it may be best to start with a Winston Salem deep cleaning house visit. This will restore the home to its proper state and future cleaning services will be needed simply to maintain it.

The Maids Provide Cleaning Services and Companionship for Your Loved One

The Maids offer more than just routine cleaning services to seniors. When a cleaning team visits a home on a regular basis, rapport is built. The homeowner will learn to expect their house cleaners and know them by name. Conversation builds a deeper sense of trust and companionship. What begins as a cleaning service develops into a friendship. Seniors may even look forward to their regularly scheduled cleaning appointments, and family members feel reassured by the warmth that comes from the relationships that can grow from these regular visits.  

The Maids Understand the Unique Needs of Seniors 

The elderly can sometimes be set in their ways. They do things a certain way in a certain routine and they keep their things in certain places. The Maids’ cleaning teams understand this and make a point to clean and restore order to the home without disturbing the routine that is so important to the homeowner. Items are returned to their places to be easily located when needed after cleaning.  

The Maids Help Maintain a Healthy Home and Lifestyle

Happy Senior CoupleA clean home is a healthier home. The Maids 22 Step Healthy Touch Deep Cleaning System is designed to make sure a home is not only clean but germ-free. Keeping viruses and bacteria at bay is crucial to the health of seniors who are more susceptible to flu, pneumonia, and other illnesses. When the elderly are unable to thoroughly clean their own homes, the risk of getting sick is higher. The Maids’ cleaning teams help to eliminate this problem and maintain a healthy home. 

Schedule a Free Consultation with The Maids for Senior Cleaning Services 

Cleaning services can be requested by the homeowner or by a loved one, whichever the situation calls for. The Maids offer free consultations for deep cleaning house services in Winston Salem for seniors. Cleaning regiments and frequency of appointments can be customized based on the needs of the homeowner. Call The Maids today to schedule your free consultation: (336) 221-3129.

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