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Maid cleaning bookshelfMaid Service Near You – Sustainable Cleaning Practices for a Healthier Home

Sustainability is a topic that is touching every part of daily life. As many people think more about how their actions and choices impact the environment – and their own health – it’s only natural that these considerations turn to what happens at home.


Using sustainable cleaning practices is an excellent way to keep your home looking great while protecting your health at the same time. If you have been searching for a “maid service near me” that can deliver sustainable cleaning with outstanding results, turn to The Maids today to get started.


Using the Right Cleaning Products

Picking the right cleaning products is important to develop sustainable cleaning practices. Some cleaning products are particularly harsh and may be harmful to the environment – or even the people living in the home.


The Maids is careful to select products that are safe for people, pets, and the environment as a whole. Only in certain situations – such as when mold is encountered – will The Maids potentially need to use a stronger cleaning agent to make sure the job is done successfully.


Cutting Down on Water Use

Water usage is a big part of sustainability. This limited resource needs to be managed carefully, and unfortunately, some cleaning practices don’t pay attention to water usage as carefully as they should.


This doesn’t mean that water isn’t going to be used in the cleaning process. Of course, water plays a key role, but cleaners shouldn’t use any more than is required to get the job done. Simple things like not letting the water in the sink run when it isn’t being used can go a long way.


Upgrade Your Air Quality

Air quality is one of the most important variables that influences human health. In your house, it’s crucial that the air is as clean and fresh as possible day after day. Without clean air, many different symptoms may arise, including congestion, sore throat, watery eyes, and more.


The good news is that air quality can be improved in a sustainable manner by working with the right cleaning partner. The Maids uses high-quality backpack vacuums with HEPA filtration to trap and remove as much dust, dirt, and debris from the home as possible. That means there will be fewer particles to be kicked up into the air when the HVAC system comes on, and the air will be cleaner as a result. None of this cleaning work is harmful to the environment but it will make a huge difference to the experience of living in your home.


Ready to stop searching for a “cleaning service near me”? You’ve landed in the right place. The Maids is a house cleaning service that can be trusted to do the job to the highest of standards time after time. Take a moment now to get in touch and learn more. It will only take one cleaning to see what you have been missing!

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