The Maids of the Triad

Decluttering Your Space and How It Helps Declutter Your Mind

Countless people today live in clutter. Americans have more physical possessions now than at any point in history, and the result is crowded houses that feel smaller than they really are. If you have been feeling this squeeze lately and want to do something about it, build a game plan today to declutter your home as soon as possible.


The Maids is not only a leader in residential cleaning in Winston-Salem, but also offers a decluttering service to help people in precisely this situation. Whether you need home cleaning in Winston, decluttering, or a little bit of both, The Maids is ready to help.


How to Get Started

The hardest part of decluttering is getting started. Once you do, the progress you make will feel great, and you’ll just want to keep moving forward. However, at the start, it can feel like an impossible mountain to climb, especially if you have a lot of things in your home that have been there for a very long time.


To kick-start the decluttering process, find some “easy wins” around the house. These are things that hold no emotional attachment, and you can quickly decide to get rid of them without so much as a second thought. Taking care of these simple items first will build some momentum and leave you feeling ready and willing to take on things that might be a little harder to confront.


Create an In-Between Space

You are inevitably going to find some things in your house that you struggle to decide if you want to keep them or get rid of them. When these items pop up, they will sometimes stop you in your tracks and wind up bogging down the whole decluttering process for a while. Don’t let that happen. A good strategy is to establish a place in your home – the garage is perfect, if you have space available – where you can put things that fall into the “not sure” category. That way, you can quickly stash any items that you need more time to think about, and you’ll be able to go back to them later with a fresh mind to make a decision about their fate.


The Mental Value of Decluttering

Clearing out your home and getting rid of the things you don’t want or need can take a tremendous weight off your mind. The human brain likes to keep track of everything that is nearby, and that can be overwhelming when there are too many things in one place. Even if you don’t consciously notice your need to monitor your stuff, it’s somewhere in the back of your mind taking a toll. The difference in how your brain works and feels after decluttering is truly remarkable.


Want to hire the best cleaning services Winston-Salem NC has to offer? That’s as easy as calling The Maids today to make an appointment. This is a maid service you can trust, and you will be amazed at the results you get from your very first appointment. Call today!

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