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Country Park Greensboro, NC

Country Park Greensboro, NC at 3905 Nathanael Greene Dr. Greensboro, NC 27455 has a lot to offer your family. There are many places for kids and their parents to enjoy and even hard-to-please teenagers who visit the area will find this is an enjoyable spot to spend some time.


Features of Country Park Greensboro


A quick look at Country Park in Northwest Greensboro will showcase all of the great amenities and features that are available within the park for visitors to enjoy. Many choose to bring their dogs out to expel some of that extra energy while families may choose to fish or go on a nice hike on the trails. These are just a few of the fun  activities available at Country Park Greensboro. Some of the different amenities that are popular at this park include:


  • A bark park for your furry friend to run around without a leash.
  • Pedal boats
  • Playgrounds, with several options to choose from
  • Nature trails that are perfect for hiking and biking.
  • The Guilford County Veterans’ Memorial for some educational time
  • Two lakes with plenty of great fish
  • Educational programs for any visitor


Many families love to enjoy the pedal boats in the warmer months. They are designed as bright and unique characters that are sure to excite your children. The cost to rent a pedal boat is $8 for 30 minutes and up to 5 people can fit in one boat. These are available throughout the week for summer and during the weekends of spring and fall. The last boat can go out no later than 5:30 PM.

Another great place to visit


The Accessible Features


There are many accessible features within the County Park Greensboro, so everyone will be able to get around, even those who need to utilize a mobility device. Some of the accessible features that everyone can enjoy at this park include:


  • An accessible play feature that has a mulch surface
  • 5 miles of paved trails to explore
  • The restrooms are handicapped equipped
  • A unique carousel that provides hours of fun
  • The fishing pier so they can join in on the great catch of the day
  • Seven picnic shelters.




County Park Greensboro is a wonderful place for everyone to come and enjoy some time in an expansive park with a beautiful pond. Walkers, hikers, and bikers will be able to spend a good deal of time exploring the trails and having fun. Many families love to come here regularly because there are so many things to do. Parking is available for all visitors, though it is important to know that the park road will close at certain times to keep walkers and bikers safe while visiting.


The park road closes at 4:15 PM until close during the weekdays and is closed on holidays and weekends. This is done to avoid potential accidents in the area. There are other parking areas that visitors can use and then walk to their chosen destination. Many parking areas are near restrooms and playgrounds to make transporting children easier.


Take some time to unwind and get away from the hustle and bustle of our busy daily lives. Make a day trip to Country Park Greensboro, NC at 3905 Nathanael Greene Dr. Greensboro, NC 27455 and see how great day outside can be.

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